Autism in Mann

About us

Autism In Mann was originally called the Isle of Man Autistic Support Group. It is a Manx Registered Charity, established in 1991 by two parents who wanted to reach out and help others and it has been involved with the local community ever since! 
We are a parent support group run by families affected by autism
We are constantly looking at ways to help and expand opportunities for young people and families affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder

What is Autism?

Autism is a type of developmental disability and is lifelong. There are different types of autism, but all people with autism show difficulty with social interaction, communication and imagination to a greater or lesser degree.

People with autism are said to be on “the autistic spectrum”. The word 'spectrum' is used because, while all people with autism share the three main areas of difficulty, their condition will affect them in very different ways.

Autistic spectrum disorder can prove isolating not just for the person with it, but also for their parents/carers and siblings.

Autism in Mann aims to provide help and support to parents and carers and to promote a greater understanding of the condition.

To learn more about autism click here

What do we do

We work independently and with other Charities and organisations to provide training opportunities for members and professionals.

We work in partnership with the  Department of Education, Sport & Culture to jointly fund a teacher to work with children with autism.

We produce a Quarterly Newsletter for our members

Our library books are housed at The Family Library, Westmoreland Road, Douglas

We have donated books to following libraries :

- The Family Library in Douglas
- The Henry Bloom Noble in Douglas
- The Ward Library in Peel
- The Castletown Library
- The George Herdman Library in Port Erin
- The Ramsey Town Library
- The Harvey Briggs Onchan Library

We meet regularly and run social events for parents and families, such as coffee mornings, and swimming sessions. 

Autism in Mann is a member charity of Project 21 which has worked to build Centre 21 for people with learning difficulties.

Autism in Mann
Autism in Mann

There are still places available for the quiet swimming session at Ramsey Pool on Friday 9th August. The pool will be closed to the public during this session.
Please email to book a place.
With Manx Mencap

Autism in Mann
Autism in Mann

Just a reminder, places for the Teenage Activity Group (TAG) sessions must be booked in advance by emailing
Numbers are limited, so please book as early as possible. The next session is on Tuesday 6th August.


Autism in Mann
Autism in Mann

The Greenfield Park team will be selling a number of their handcrafted wares at the Royal Manx Agricultural Show on Friday 09 and Saturday 10 August.

Greenfield Park (based on the Noble’s Site) is day care centre where adult service users with...

Autism in Mann
Autism in Mann

"This is the most comprehensive and easy-to-read guide on what it is like to be an autistic female. Packed full of lived experience, examples, and up-to-date research."
- Dr Hannah Louise Belcher


Autism in Mann
Autism in Mann

There is an extra ‘Drop In’ session tomorrow evening at the Kelvin Dawson Community Hub in Peel between 6.30pm and 8pm. If you are on Jenny's waiting list, this is the ideal chance to have a chat and get some advice.
Everyone welcome!

Autism in Mann
Autism in Mann

Join Jenny at Lester's Yard this morning from 10am to 12 noon.
With Manx Mencap

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